Monday, November 3, 2008

#62. Easter Parade (1948)

Director: Charles Walters
Screenplay: Sidney Sheldon, Frances Goodrich & Albert Hacket
Cast: Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, Peter Lawford, Ann Miller, Jules Munshin, Clinton Sundberg

Quote: "Miss Brown, what idiot ever told you you were a dancer?"

A lovely musical tale about unconventional love, we start in Easter 1911, where we see dancer Don Hewes (Fred Astaire), excited about seeing his lady love, Nadine Hale (Ann Miller). But unfortunately, Don is crushed when Nadine tells him that she's leaving the act and signing up with the Ziegfield Follies as their "star". But Don is convinced that he just "created" Nadine's image and chooses a random chorus girl, Hannah Brown (Judy Garland), and swears to himself that by next Easter, she will be talk of the town because their dance act will be way better than Nadine's. What Don doesn't know is that dancing is just to help Hannah get by, her real passion is singing.

OSCAR winner for Best Scoring of a Musical Picture

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